High Potential Learners

High Potential Learners

At The Gregg School we believe in creating an inclusive learning community that celebrates the uniqueness of all children.

The promotion of stimulating and challenging experiences through a broad and balanced curriculum is central to the school ethos, alongside offering quality learning activities that focus on the needs and talents of our students.

Central to provision for High Potential Learners is a curriculum that extends and enriches the learning experiences of students. We believe effective provision is achieved in partnership with children, parents and staff to develop individual learning programmes.



Students are selected to participate in the High Potential Learners programme for each academic year. The aim of the programme is to promote excellence, enquiry, ambition and imagination. Selection is based on MIDYIS Baseline data (Middle Years Information Systems) – students achieving a MIDYIS score of 125 or greater are in the top 5% of students in the range nationally.

Aims For The 2024-2025 Academic Year

Meetings for the identified group of students will take place fortnightly during morning registration, where they are provided with opportunities to develop essential skills to strive towards reaching their potential in all subjects. The aims of the programme and the focus for this academic year are as follows: 

    Students seek and identify opportunities across the curriculum to earn the school’s learning habit sticker - Challenge. Students record these in a planner insert. A target is set of three challenge stickers per subject, for all subjects across a half-term. The purpose of this target is to help students identify where they can drive on their learning and create an awareness of how challenge varies across domains.
    Students are provided with a set of criteria outlining qualities and attributes that students who perform at the highest level display. Students collect feedback to reflect on in relation to their performance and the outlined criteria. Following subject teacher feedback, students will identify areas to target and discuss outcomes with ourselves and their peers.
    During meetings, students review and discuss recommended reading materials aimed at enriching the curriculum and their interests.

Further Opportunities

As part of the programme for High Potential Learners we invite guest speakers to the school and organise appropriate trips and visits. These events enable students to hear from a range of inspirational speakers. Students are also encouraged to make their own suggestions for external speakers and extra-curricular trips they would like to participate in.

If you would like to discuss the programme further, please contact Mrs Toward,  the High Potential Learner Co-ordinator.