Policies And Inspection Reports
Inspection Reports
The Gregg Schools are inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). The ISI is the body approved by the Secretary of State (DfE) for the purpose of inspecting schools which are, or whose heads are, in the membership of the associations which form the Independent Schools Council. Regulatory compliance inspections report on a school’s compliance with the Independent School Standards Regulations, and where applicable the National Minimum Standards for Boarding Schools and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
The Gregg School
The Gregg School was inspected in January 2024 and we are delighted to share our ISI inspection report below. Please find below some excerpts from the report:
"Teaching typically consists of well-structured and planned lessons with ample opportunities for pupils of all abiliaities to learn and make good progress... Teachers relate well to pupils and pupils contriubute enthusiastically and confidenly in lessons."
" In recent years more than half the pupils achieve grades 9 - 7 in English, mathematics and a range of subjects, particularly the sciences, aesthetic and creative arts. Pupils achieve high grades in sociology, technology and creative arts subjects."
"The 'Respect' programme is a key influence on the successful development of pupils' social and personal skills, including listening to the points of view of others and tolerance, empathy and cultural awareness."
"Governors are well informed about the school and the work of leaders... They evaluate the school's strengths and areas for development."
The Gregg Prep School
Please find below our latest ISI Inspection report. We are pleased that the positive outcomes that children at The Gregg Prep School experience are reflexed in the report. There were some regulatory requirements which have now been rectified. Please find below some excerpts from the report:
"Teachers know the pupils well and tailor activities to meet pupils' needs."
"Pupils behave well in lessons as well as in the playground and around the school. This is because leaders ensure that there is a clear behaviour policy in place that outlines effective rewards and sanctions."
"Pupils develop effective linguistic, literacy and numeracy skills through a daily focus in these areas of learning. Staff have secure subject knowledge and use resources effectively to help pupils gain a greater understanding in lessons. As a result, pupils make good progress from their starting points, particularly in Maths and English."
"Pupils feel safe at school and know that they can talk to any member of staff about any worries that they may have and are comfortable to do so."
"Pupils recognise that others may have views that differ from their own, that everybody is different and the need to respect the world in which they live."
The Gregg Schools Trust
- Admissions
- Complaints*
- E-Safety Policy (Safeguarding)
- Equal Opportunities
- Privacy Notice
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
*NB that there were no complaints at The Gregg Schools in 2023-2024.
The Gregg School
- Behaviour and Discipline
- EHCPs and EAL arrangements for students
- Relationships and Sex Education Policy Statement
- Relationships and Sex Education Policy
The Gregg Prep
- Behaviour and Discipline
- EHCPs and EAL arrangements for students
- PHSE and Relationships and Sex Education Policy
Policy Request
The following policies are available on request:
- Anti-bullying
- Careers
- Curriculum
- Exclusions
- First Aid
- Health and Safety
- Risk Assessment
- Terms and conditions
If you would like further information on any aspect of the School's Policies, or require them in large print version, please contact us.