Creative Subjects
The Gregg School creative departments covers Music, Drama, Art, 3D Design and Food and Nutrition. These form a successful and much enjoyed area of the curriculum and we are pleased to offer seven creative GCSE options across the subjects.
Our students have the chance to get involved with school productions, music ensembles, creative House competitions: music, drama, bake-off, photography, art and dance and to join our many lunchtime and after-school creative co-curricular clubs.
Fine Art, Textiles and Photography
Art and Design
The artwork on display around the school is a testament to the ambitious standards our students achieve, which is reflected in our excellent GCSE results and ongoing success in national art competitions.
We have an extensive art offering covering three GCSE art options: Photography, Textiles and Fine Art. Being creative is actively encouraged to all students via a range of art clubs, challenges, and competitions throughout the year. The Department's annual trip to St Ives is a firm favourite amongst students - boosting skills and providing inspiration for their coursework.
We can boast excellent print making facilities and have recently required a large Rollaco printing press for both relief and etching processes. We also offer screen printing and have a UV light box used for exposing images on to screens and developing cyanotype prints. Photography is explored through digital media and hand processing techniques and workshops explore painting with light and photographing architecture with a walking tour in London. Textiles students can explore a wide range of techniques and processes including hand and machine stitch, dyeing, printing, batik, felting and weaving.
The Music Department at The Gregg School offers a vibrant and dynamic environment where students can explore and deepen their musical talents. Our curriculum is designed to be both broad and engaging, allowing students of all abilities to thrive. From classical to contemporary, we offer a diverse range of music that helps students grow not only as musicians but also as creative thinkers and collaborators.
In addition to a range of traditional and contemporary instruments, the department has a suite of Mac computers, equipped with industry-standard software for music production, composition, and arrangement used by professionals. These resources allow students to explore the digital side of music-making, as well as traditional performance techniques.
Beyond the classroom, students of all abilities can take part in our wide-ranging co-curricular programme, including the Orchestra, Jazz Band, Rock Band, Choir, Flute Choir, and String Ensemble. Our music scholars play a key role in these ensembles, with scholarships being available to musicians at grade 3 or above.
Students have access to individual tuition in a variety of instruments, as well as vocal coaching and are given frequent opportunities to showcase their talent. From the annual Winter and Summer Concerts, Carol Service and Open Days, to the highly anticipated school musical, students perform in front of an audience, gaining confidence and experience.
“As lots of new opportunities started coming to me to perform, I knew I wanted to explore into what it was like. I immediately felt at home on stage and in the band pit doing what I love. It was an amazing experience performing in a professional theatre and it is something I will always remember.”
Drama and Stage Production
Drama is an integral part of school life at The Gregg. It is taught throughout Years 7-9 and enables students to find their voice, express themselves and becoming confident in talking and presenting in front of others.
Our annual school musical involves a large proportion the school; acting, singing, set design and creation, sewing costumes, playing in the orchestra, backstage management and technical sound and lighting. With recent productions taking place at The Theatre Royal in Winchester, it's a professional set-up that creates impactful experiences and life-long memories for the students.
Our drama department actively encourages students and families to watch productions of all genres at local theatres to broaden children's love of theatre and understanding of performance. We are especially proud that our students regularly participate in productions outside of school at the Mayflower and other local theatres.
Food and Nutrition
Being able to cook confidently and understand nutrition are important life skills that we are keen to encourage. Students benefit from double Food and Nutrition lessons every fortnight from Year 7-9, by which time they are accomplished cooks who can produce a wide range of sweet and savoury dishes. Those wishing extra kitchen time can also join the much-favoured co-curricular Cookery Club.
Our Food and Nutrition GCSE is a very popular subject with boys and girls alike, further broadening their culinary skills. Students can enter our House Bake Off competitions and our upper school take part in the prestigious national Future Chef competition.
'Future Chef was an amazing experience. It gave me really valuable skills and experience and I am so glad that I took part in the competition'. Etty, Year 11