Trips & Visits

School Day Trips and Residentials

Learning extends beyond the classroom at The Gregg School – in some circumstances way beyond – all the way to Iceland!

We believe that it enhances the students’ learning experience to see subjects brought to life in the wider world.  Each year group experiences day visits and trips in a variety of subjects throughout the school year.

Destinations vary from wading in the River Hamble in wellies for Geography, to a screen writing workshop at Harry Potter World for English or re-enacting WWII first aid at Weald and Down Museum for History.

Each year we have a Camp week towards the end of the Summer term. This is an opportunity for the year group to go on a residential together, learn new skills and experience different towns, environments or even countries. In 2023, Year 7 spent a week in the Oxfordshire countryside learning bushcraft skills, Year 8 went on a PGL adventure in Wales and Year 9 went to Paris and Disneyland. Year 10 at this point undertake Work Experience and come back with stories of their adventures and experiences.

Senior Trips & Visits at The Gregg School

In the upper school, students are encouraged to develop their knowledge or enhance their understanding of the GCSE subject they are studying by going on a residential. These can include trips to Iceland for Geography revision, Berlin to learn about WWII and practice German, St Ives to visit galleries, take photos of the sea and participate in workshops, and Barcelona to speak the language and absorb the culture.

Finally, there are other residential trips open to the whole school to enable students’ to experience different cultures and languages, or develop new skills such as skiing and snowboarding. We also offer students the chance of an amazing 3 week experience involving trekking and charity work in locations where support is needed. In 2023, some of our students  travelled to Borneo for this life-changing experience.

For our full list of trips and visits, and associated costs, please download the following schedule:

Trips & Visits Schedule