Senior Curriculum
We believe that our Key Stage 3 curriculum provides a strong platform on which students may build successfully, before progressing to GCSE courses. This, in turn, provides an excellent foundation for students to make a confident transition to Sixth Form studies when they leave us.
All students are tested in Years 7 and 10 using MidYIS and Yellis, a baseline testing service provided by the Centre for Educational Management at Durham University. The information gained enables staff, in their understanding of students' strengths and weaknesses, to set realistic targets as students strive for high achievement in examinations.
Our curriculum is enriched by a well-planned programme of trips and visits. We feel that these activities are very important for all students; they also form a key part of our provision for our High Potential Learners (HPL) Programme which is designed to identify, challenge and support students who have particular strengths, not only in academic subjects but also in areas such as leadership, sport and creativity.
Individualised Learning and Choice “Leaders provide a broad range of academic subject choices. They allow pupils to individualise their timetable from Year 9 onwards. Academic subjects are chosen to meet the needs of pupils and to allow all abilities to achieve and develop their strengths.” ISI Report 2024
Progression through the school
Year 7
During Year 7, students are taught most of their subjects in their class group (according to ability), with the exception of Mathematics which is taught in sets. All students have access to a core curriculum of English, Mathematics and Science, plus a choice of two languages from French, German and Spanish, History, Geography, Religions & Ethics, Computing, Music, Art, Textiles, Design Technology, Drama, Food Preparation & Nutrition, Personal and Social Development, and PE.
Year 8
As students move into Year 8, they continue to study the same core subjects. English and Mathematics are set independently of other subjects from the beginning of Year 8.
Year 9
During Year 9, there is also independent setting in Science and students may choose to focus on one of their modern foreign languages (although there is an option to continue with two). The Mathematics department selects the students who will follow an accelerated programme in Year 10, with a view to them taking their IGCSE in November Year 11 (or Summer Year 10) and Further Mathematics in the June of Year 11.
Students choose their GCSE options, which they start in the second half of the summer term. Students choose freely from the 20 plus options available. Timetable blocks are then created from the students' choices, allowing a high degree of flexibility in their chosen curriculum. We consider the study of a Modern Foreign Language to be valuable and encourage the majority of students to do so.
Years 10 and 11
During Years 10 and 11, all students take English Language and English Literature, Mathematics and Science. A significant number of students will progress from Additional Science to study separate Sciences, leading to the award of separate grades for Biology, Chemistry and Physics. In addition to their IGCSE, students following the accelerated programme for Maths will work towards achieving a qualification in Further Maths. Students are also able to take Statistics GCSE in Year 10.
During these two years Personal and Social Development and PE are followed as non-exam subjects.